Heather Pierson
Heather Pierson

Creating a Look in Looker


We serve a wide range of clients who tend to have varying preferences when it comes to the tools utilized within their tech stack. One of the more popular analytic tools we see clients using is Looker.  

Looker is a powerful and intuitive analytics tool that stands out from other tools due to its unique combination of features. The platform offers powerful data modeling capabilities through its LookML language, which allows users to define relationships between data sources and create reusable models for analysis. This means that businesses can maintain consistency and accuracy in their data analysis while also reducing the time and effort required to build new analyses.

Another key advantage of Looker is its user-friendly interface, which is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Users can create and share reports and analyses using drag-and-drop tools and interactive visualizations, making it accessible to users of all levels of technical expertise. Additionally, Looker’s collaboration and sharing features make it easy for team members to work together and share insights, ensuring that everyone is working with the same data and has access to the same insights.

A Look in Looker refers to a saved report or visualization that can be shared with others. Here are the steps to building a Look in Looker:

  1. Define the scope of your Look: Before building your Look, you should define what data you want to analyze and what questions you want to answer. This will help you determine the appropriate data source and LookML model to use.
  1. Connect to your data: Looker allows you to connect to a variety of data sources, including databases, spreadsheets, and cloud services. Once you’ve connected to your data, you can explore it using Looker’s interface to get a better understanding of its structure and contents.
  1. Build a LookML model: LookML is Looker’s modeling language, which allows you to define the relationships between your data and create reusable data models. To build a LookML model, you’ll need to define your data sources, specify the relationships between them, and create dimensions and measures that you can use to analyze your data.
  1. Create a Look: Once you’ve built your LookML model, you can use it to create a Look. To create a Look, you’ll need to choose a visualization type (e.g., bar chart, line chart, table) and select the dimensions and measures you want to analyze. You can also add filters, groupings, and other options to customize your Look.
  1. Customize your Look: Looker provides a range of customization options that allow you to change the appearance and behavior of your Look. You can add custom visualizations, change the colors and fonts, and configure options like tooltips and drill-downs.
  1. Save and share your Look: Once you’ve built your Look, you can save it and share it with others. Looker allows you to share your Looks via email, links, or embedded dashboards, and you can also schedule automatic data refreshes and alerts to keep your Look up to date.

Overall, building a Look in Looker involves connecting to your data, defining your data model using LookML, and creating a visualization that answers your specific questions. By following these steps, you can leverage Looker’s powerful tools to gain insights from your data and share them with others in your organization.
If you need additional guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

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